Fight back! Against Credit Report Errors
Michigan ‘s Consumer Law Group, PLC
Credit bureaus make money by selling credit reports and credit scores. Their files sell regardless of their accuracy. In fact, the bureaus lose money when they have to delete personal credit report errors.
It may not be important for them to have your information correct, but it is very important for you. Your credit report determines your ability to make any major purchase. Sometimes, an error can prevent you from getting a job. Data furnishers like credit card companies and finance companies use credit reporting as a way to force payment from you.
Need your free copy of your credit report? Federal law grants you the right to receive a copy of your consumer file for free, once a year. Use this FTC form to order your reports by mail.
General Information:
- What Damages Can I Recover If I File A Lawsuit Under The Fair Credit Reporting Act?
- What Items Can Be Removed From A Credit Report?
- What is The Role Of An Attorney In Credit Reporting Error Cases?
- At What Point Do You Become Involved In A Credit Reporting Error Case?
- What Are The Most Common Errors People Find In Their Credit Report?
What Should I Do About Credit Report Errors?
First, find out whether the errors appear on all of your reports or just some. The Fair Credit Reporting Act now requires that each credit reporting agency provide you a free copy of your credit report on an annual basis. Order your report from each of the credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union) directly, using the above form or go to Be sure to print out each one.
Once you have copies of the three credit reports, you should call immediately. We will help you write a dispute about each item of information that is incorrect or incomplete.
Call an Experienced Attorney
If you have a problem with a credit report, **Consumer Law Group, PLC can help you to preserve your rights and dispute any claims that cannot be resolved. This firm has sued the credit bureaus, debt collectors, auto dealers, and other companies guilty of victimizing consumers. Past cases have been against Equifax, Experian, Trans Union, and many other powerful organizations.
If we make an appointment, together we will form a comprehensive plan designed to help you. If the credit bureaus do not correct your report, we will litigate your case— meaning that the only additional fees you will have to pay are the out-of-pocket expenses of the litigation. If we prevail, the defendants are required to reimburse you for the attorneys’ fees and expenses.
Suing Credit Bureaus
If the credit reporting bureaus fail to fix the errors, or if the damage from the errors is already done, the most effective tool available to you is the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Using this statute, you can place the bureaus and your creditors on notice that they are lying about you and then fight back by bringing a lawsuit.
In order to start a case you will need all the documents that relate to dispute and all the documents that relate to your damages. You also need to gather any copies of your credit report that are available, including copies that you have received or that anyone else has received (including a mortgage broker, car dealer, or insurance agent). If you have received any letters denying you credit, you should gather those letters will help establish your damages.
Contact Us
All the above may seem a bit overwhelming to you — don’t worry, you’re not alone. The attorneys of Consumer Law Group, PLC have devoted their careers to helping people like you. Contact our lawyers for a free initial telephone consultation.