Michigan Collection Practices Act
Regulates the conduct of creditors collecting debts in their own name.
Michigan Occupational Code
Regulates collection agencies doing business in Michigan and those collecting debts within Michigan.
Campaign Contributions
If you want know whether a bill will likely pass through the legislature, take a look at this searchable database and find out who’s made campaign contributions to get the legislature pushed through.
Michigan Case Law
The Official web set of the Michigan Supreme Court’s designated reporter of its published cases.
Bach v. First Union National Bank
2005 WL 2009272 (6th Cir. Ohio): Important precedent-setting case in Credit Reporting and Identity Theft. In a decision handed down August 22, 2005, the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit handed down a ruling sustaining a consumer’s claim for compensatory damages in the amount of $400,000 based on adverse credit reporting by a bank. The Court sustained the verdict based alternatively on adverse effects on the consumer’s applications for a mortgage and a credit card, as well as upon damages for emotional distress.
Owens v. Samkle Automotive Incorporated
F. 3d — (11th Cir. 2005): Important precedent-setting case concerning Auto Finance and Odometer Fraud.
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
15 U.S.C. 1692 et seq.
Magnuson Moss Warranty Act
15 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.
The National Association of Consumer Advocates home page contains information about national consumer initiatives and a listing of consumer attorneys across the United States.
The ultimate resource center for consumer attorneys. NCLC publishes the definitive series of litigation manuals covering the full range of consumer issues.
My Fair Credit
This is the ultimate resource for questions and answers regarding the Fair Credit Reporting Act and litigating cases under the act.
The Federal Trade Commission regulates and supervises Debt Collectors and Credit Reporting practices. Their web site includes helpful information on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit reporting Act and other consumer statutes.
Center for responsible Lending
An incredible clearinghouse of information regarding predatory and discriminatory lending practices.
The federal advocacy office of the state Public Interest Research Groups